Why is it that some businesses seem to thrive and grow through a period of cultural and behavioural change while others falter and never regain their stride? Very often companies will struggle to move a workforce forward with new business strategies and often those companies don’t have the language or the in-house skills to achieve cultural change. Often change has to be navigated with the help of an outside influence. Often companies will hire an inappropriate hotel for a day and ‘tell’ the staff how they are expected to change, grow and perform in future.

It’s not enough. We believe in grabbing the hearts and minds of your colleagues and make them believe in a shared vision. At Red Lodge we believe that the environment, both physical and cultural, can make or break change.
The physical space can be used as a tool within the training process and is not an intangible that we simply stumble upon. We are determined to own the space for the time we work within it so we can focus our clients' workforce on what they are there to focus on.

We couple these environments with our abilities to create management games which reflect and illustrate workforces’ tendencies to not think out of the box, to work in silence, to work outside teams or indeed lack leadership on all levels.
We have applied our methodology and thinking with many clients including major projects for Vodafone and Centrica – and all have reported incredible results. Our physical environments and management games supported the core programmes and learnings, delivering unprecedented results for clients.
As a small example; Vodafone asked us to build a 3 week programme for top tier management. The programme we created was so successful it was rolled out across the business to 6000 UK employees over a 4 year period.

If you would like to know more don’t hesitate to get in touch!
  • “In short it was bloody brilliant with an equal amount of terrifying and exciting thrown in to boot, the venue was awesome, structure of the programme outstanding and it was truly an ‘Experience’ to remember and not just the usual leadership training.
    Personally I’ve come away with a great deal of learning from both a work and a personal perspective and truly believe it will help me become a better person and thus leader in the future.”
  • "Just wanted to say many thanks for the experience on The Vodafone Way last week. The thought and effort that has gone into making this a very special programme for the leaders of Vodafone is immense. My reflections on the few days are hard to describe as I took so much away to think about both personally and professionally. The one thing I do know is that the experience has opened me up to new ways of thinking about things which will, I believe, make me a stronger individual and a better leader for our business and our people."
Red Lodge doesn't only create management environments and events, we also create unique management games. The games vary in purpose but tend to be used in leadership training, team training and ice breaking sessions for conferences or similar.
All the games are simple to play and understand, big scale and tend to last 45 mins to 1 hour.
Red Lodge can also design games directly for a customers needs or adapt existing games.
All games have been repeatedly used by Vodafone, Centrica, Horizon and CRH and are entertaining as well as great vehicles to show people the way in which they tend to approach their day to day work, problem solving and team or leadership roles.